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Sunday, June 16, 2024

The frame of the Cypriot candidate commissioners is set up

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In Nicosia, President Christodoulidis chooses to keep his cards tightly closed regarding the person who will take over one of the portfolios in the new European Commission. The background started to catch fire as some of the portfolios of the commissioners are deemed to be of paramount importance (such as those of trade and competition. But there are also the “secondary” portfolios which will be taken by those who do not play their cards right from the start.

Politico has attempted to list the names that are currently “playing” in the 27 member states to take over the position of commissioner in the new European Commission which will be formed after the European elections of June 9. The frame of the Cypriot candidate commissioners – according to Politico – they are Stella Kyriakidou, Konstantinos Kombos, Giorgos Lakkotrypis and Haris Georgiadis. It is not excluded that these names may change and the final choice of President Christodoulidis may change at the last moment.

As we have already written, a first conversation on the subject was held by President Christodoulidis with the candidate of the EPP for the presidency of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. A discussion which seems to have aimed at the Cypriot registering von der Leyen's intentions for the Cypriot portfolio to the new European Commission. And depending on these intentions, he should then proceed to find the person who can take over the specific position.

According to what is mentioned in the Politico article about Cyprus, the four names in play are: Stella Kyriakidou (Commissioner for Health and Food Safety), Haris Georgiadis (former Minister of Finance), Giorgos Lakkotrypis (former Minister of Energy), and Kostantinos Kombos (Minister of Foreign Affairs).

Cyprus, reports Politico would like to keep the Healthcareportfolio. He also notes that the Cypriot shipping lobby is pushing for the Transport portfolio.

The name of the candidate commissioner will be submitted by President Christodoulidis (who belongs to the EPP). The extent to which it will consult with political forces, such as DISY, which also belongs to the EPP group, is something that has not yet been clarified. Any consultations, if held, will be after the European elections.

From the government side, in Nicosia, what was said regarding the Politico publication was that “when the President of the Republic takes his decisions, with the benefit of Cyprus in mind, they will be announced“. While indicating that “it is too early for any discussion“.

As for the four names:

Politico reports that what appeared months ago was that Nikos Christodoulidis would proceed to replace Stella Kyriakidou. She also notes that in Brussels there is a positive sign for her work. It is noteworthy to mention that “as we get closer to the elections, the chances of him securing a second term increase” as it is estimated that PtD “will find it difficult to balance” the murmurs of the other candidates.

However, among those mentioned there was ignorance about the intentions of the PtD and also about the chances of being in the new European Commission. Haris Georgiadis had previously heard his name being played for commissioner, with him clarifying that he is not discussing anything. On the other hand, Konstantinos Kombos is currently the Minister of Foreign Affairs and there is a question mark whether the PtD itself wants to lose him from the government scheme. As for Giorgos Lakkotrypis, although outside the government, he is in an open line with Nikos Christodoulidis and it would not be a surprise if his name was among the two that the PtD will propose.

Source: www.philenews.com

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