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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trump: I'm not racist because I have a lot of black friends

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“A lot of people say black people like me because they've suffered so much and they've been discriminated against and they see me as somebody who's been discriminated against,” the Republican presidential candidate said< /strong>

Republican Donald Trump, a candidate in November's presidential election, said he is not “racist”, defending himself in an interview broadcast yesterday, with the tycoon saying he has many “black friends”.

“I have so many black friends that if I were a racist, they wouldn't be my friends,” the former president told news website Semafor. “They wouldn't stand by me for a minute if they thought I was a racist – and I'm not!”, he continued.

Donald Trump has been heavily criticized numerous times for statements he has made that have been deemed racist by both Democrats and Republicans regarding African-Americans.

In late February, he hinted that the prosecutions he faces made him a more likable candidate among black voters.

“A lot of people say black people like me because they've suffered so much and they've been discriminated against and they see me as somebody who's been discriminated against,” he said.

Democratic President Joe Biden, Trump's opponent in the November election, later called these statements “racist”.

Source: 24h.com.cy

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