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Saturday, June 29, 2024

We support Lebanon against Israel, Erdogan declares

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<p><strong>Message in wake of rising tensions with Israel – He called on regional countries to support Beirut</strong></p>
<p><strong>Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan</strong> said today that Turkey stands in solidarity with Lebanon in the wake of rising tensions with Israel and called on the regional countries to support Beirut as well.</p>
<p>Speaking to his party's caucus in the Turkish parliament, Erdogan said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to spread the war on Gaza to the region and that this would be “catastrophic” and called it “deplorable” the support that the West offers to Israel.</p>
<p>“It seems that Israel, which destroyed Gaza, is now turning its sights on Lebanon. We see that Western powers support Israel behind the scenes, the Turkish president told his party's parliament members.</p>
<p>Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that at the end of the “intense phase” of of its assault on the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army will be “able to redeploy some forces northwards”, near the border with Lebanon, raising fears of an extension of the conflict.</p>
<p>“It is extremely serious and deplorable that states that speak of freedom, human rights and justice are captives of a mentally ill man like Netanyahu,” Erdogan said.</p>
<p>The United States warned yesterday, Tuesday, that a conflict between Israel and Hezbollah could trigger a regional war.</p>
<p>More than eight months of violence between Hezbollah and the Israeli army has left at least 481 dead in Lebanon, most of them Hezbollah fighters and 94 civilians, according to an AFP tally.</p>
<p>From the Israeli side, at least 15 soldiers and 11 civilians have been killed, according to Israel.</p>
<p>source: Proto Thema</p><source srcset=

Source: 24h.com.cy

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