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Monday, June 24, 2024

Warning of a general strike by breeders in the occupied territories

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    Turkish breeders declare their determination to continue their mobilization

    The Turkish Cypriot Association of Breeders “, which started dynamic mobilization which is already in its third day, secured the support of various trade unions. In a meeting held on Wednesday in the building of the Kamu-İş trade union, the unions expressed their intention to support the mobilization.

    As reported in occupied, this meeting resulted strong>warning for a general strike.

    After the meeting, a joint statement was made in front of the “prime minister” building.

    The President of HÜR-İŞ, Ahmet Serdaroglou, reading the joint statement on behalf of the unions, gave the “government” until Friday to withdraw the decision to import animal feed. If the decision is not revoked by Friday, the unions will use every democratic right, including a general strike, from next Monday.

    The T/k breeders declare < strong>determined to continue their mobilization tomorrow as well. The situation remains tense, with breeders asserting their rights against the new “government” decisions that they consider detrimental to their industry.

    Source: cyprustimes.com

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