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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Panagiotou informs the EU Council about the drought in Cyprus

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Ενημερoνει τ&omicron σμβισγηνσσ ; σην Κοηαγοο /></p>
<p data-block-key=The Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment Dr. Maria Panagiotou left for Brussels on Sunday, where she will take part on Monday in the Council of Ministers of Agriculture and of Fisheries and is expected, among other things, to inform its counterparts about the ongoing drought in Cyprus and the adverse effects of reduced rainfall on agriculture, livestock and the environment.

According to a statement from the Ministry, the work of the Council, which will be held on Monday, May 27, will deal with issues related to the current crisis in agriculture, as well as the market situation after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

It is added that Dr. Panagiotou will, among other things, inform the Council about the ongoing drought in Cyprus and the adverse effects of reduced rainfall in all sectors, agriculture, animal husbandry and the environment, while at the same time it will ask the European Commission to list measures to deal with the effects with the aim of preserving the means of agricultural production and the autonomy in food production, as well as the protection of the environment.  

The Minister returns to Cyprus on Tuesday afternoon, the announcement concludes.

Source: KYPE< /p>

Source: reporter.com.cy

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