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Monday, June 17, 2024

Artymatas, what awaits Apollo and the move to Anorthosis

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The mini-serial was finally the case of Pavlos Korreas, who will not eventually move to Apollo but remains in Anorthosis with the renewal of their cooperation.


Another case that was opened may have the same ending. The information wanted the blues to be interested in the leader of “Kyria”, Kostakis Artymatas. However, in the report of “Gipedos” it is mentioned about this rumored interest that: “For Kostakis Artymatas, who came out many days ago that he is in the under & # 8217; In view of Apollo, so far there is no information that they have notified a proposal to the 29-year-old international midfielder. Although they do not say it publicly, they may be waiting to see what Hampos Kyriakou will decide to do. In case the leader of the champions chooses to stay forever in the… blue port, then they will not move for the leader of Anorthosis “.

In addition, the last hours seem to mobilize in the team of Famagusta in order to close this issue positively and as in the case of Korreas to remain in Anorthosis. In fact, the chances seem to be leaning towards this possibility, so another football player who was heard about the champion by the “Lady”, will not make the move either to the blues or in any other direction. What will happen in the end, the next few days will show.

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Source: gipedo.politis.com.cy

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