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Monday, June 17, 2024

AKEL for the Ministry of Finance interview with “F”: If he means what he finds, he should proceed with actions

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ΑΚΕΛ για συνντ εξη ΙΚ «Φ»: ενε ασδιτει προρorσι ;ε πρàξεις

“If the Minister of Finance he means his findings about the banks, to proceed with actions”, reports AKEL in a statement, commenting on the interview of Makis Keravnos in “F” in which he stated that the inflation in Cyprus does not justify the high lending rates.

“We welcome the Minister's finding, even if it is made with a long delay. Of course, the projects and decisions of the government have more value – beyond the findings.General petitions and wishful thinking have been tried in the past and failed“, says the party.

Same announcement

In today's interview the The Minister of Finance says that Cyprus's inflation does not justify the high lending rates, leaving spikes for the arrogant and extortionate way in which the banking system operates in Cyprus, taking advantage of the constant interest rate hikes. We welcome the Minister's finding, even if it is made with a long delay. Of course, the government's projects and decisions have more value – beyond the findings. General petitions and wishful thinking have been tried in the past and failed. 

That is why if the Minister really means what he finds he has an obligation to convince the government to proceed with specific steps:

First, to restore the measures support for society which he ended after the Minister of Finance himself found that the extraordinary conditions in the economy continue to burden households and businesses with unexpected financial burdens. 

Second, to make use of AKEL's proposal for an emergency end to bank windfalls in order to support borrowers and new couples in a targeted way to acquire a home. 

Thirdly, the government should not stop at words and finally implement what it has been announcing for a long time regarding the interest rate subsidy and the housing policy.

Source: www.philenews.com

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