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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Christos Chatzipanagiotis is shocking: “In addition to the heart attack, I also suffered two strokes”

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Συγκλονλζειοχ ρστος Χατζπαναγιτης: «Εκς πομργααδνκ οπeς»

What he revealed about his health adventure

A guest on the show “Enopios Enopio” with Nikos Hatzinikolaou was found on the evening of Thursday, May 23 Christos Chatzipanagiotis in a full-length interview.

Among other things, the actor talked about the recent serious health adventure he had, revealing thebackground for what he experienced that night.

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He originally reported: “Thank God I am recovering well. It was a terrific adventure. Sudden. One night I started to hurt, luckily I wasn't alone. I was talking with Vicky Stavropoulou who was upstairs and we were talking in triple communication with our friend Eleni about the show. I told them that I don't feel well and Eleni said to take 166. the prayer I say every day to be calm. That helped me a lot… It wasn't a prayer to not die, it was the prayer I say every day.

After this adventure, something I had mastered for the last few years is confirmed. I had said that life is a swift flight of birds and we must live every moment. I came back with this point of view strengthened, wanting to live and absorb life…”.

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Source: showbiz.cyprustimes.com

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