32.2 C
Friday, June 28, 2024

Cyprus celebrates the Flood with sunny weather – the temperature is 39 degrees Celsius

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Με ηλιoλουστ&omicron κιργιοτονκλσμ ηοσσομοσσο&eta ; θερμοκρασλα

Weak low pressure affecting the area.

Today the weather will be mostly clear, although initially in the southeast there will be increased low cloudiness. Winds will blow, mainly southwest to northwest light to moderate, 3 to 4 Beaufort, locally in the afternoon to strong, 4 to 5 Beaufort and transient on the southwest coast to very strong, 5 to 6 Beaufort. The sea will be up to a little rough and locally in the afternoon in the south a little rough to rough. The temperature will rise to around 39 degrees in the interior, around 35 in the southeast and on the eastern coasts, around 34 on the northern coasts, around 32 on the rest of the coasts and around 31 degrees in the higher mountains.

Tonight the weather will be mostly clear although the west will experience some increased low clouds. During the morning hours, local fog and low clouds are expected, mainly in the eastern half. Winds will gradually become southwest as northwest light 3 Beaufort and locally variable light 2 to 3 Beaufort. The sea will later become calm to a little rough. The temperature will drop to around 22 degrees inland and in the higher mountains, and around 23 degrees on the coast.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the weather will it will be mostly clear, although on Wednesday there will be locally increased clouds in the mountains in the afternoon.

The temperature will gradually rise slightly until Wednesday and not appreciably change on Thursday , to continue to fluctuate above the average climatic values.

Source: reporter.com.cy

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