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Cyprus: Six months is enough, says Ertugruloglou for a personal envoy of the UN Secretary General

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Κυπριακo: Εξι μorνες εiναι αρκε τοi, λeει ο Ερτουγροyλογλου για &pi ροσωπικor απεσταλμèνη ΓΓ ΟΗΕ

The pseudo-state's “foreign minister” Tahsin Ertugruloglou said that a six-month term of the UN Secretary-General's personal envoy to Cyprus is enough to see if there is common ground between the two sides on the island. He also stated that they believe that her appointment is an opportunity to record once again “the new vision of the tdvk for the Cyprus issue” as mentioned in the pseudo-state.

He stated that the new vision of the pseudo-state eliminates the possibility of a new negotiation process “where it was left off”.

He said that the new vision, which envisages eliminating “the disparity between the two sides, points to the need to start a new process”.

“Our state has given its consent to the appointment of a personal representative by the UN Secretary General. Our position was also recorded that Mrs. Quellard who will assume her duties in a short period of time will fulfill her duties within a period not exceeding 6 months to ascertain if there is common ground between the two sides on the island,” he claimed.

“As everyone knows, there is no common ground between the two sides on the island,” he said and claimed that “for the last 50 years, the Greek Cypriot side has been trying to deceive the world with the lie that it wants to reach agreement based on the so-called federation model”.

Saying that the 2017 Cyprus Conference that concluded in Crans Montana was seen as a “last ditch effort” by all parties concerned, he claimed that at the said conference, “the Greek Cypriot side once again refused to enter into a partnership with t/and side based on the sharing of power and prosperity. Thus, the possibility of reaching an agreement on a bi-zonal bi-communal federation model ended with the failure of the aforementioned Conference”.

“Following this failure, the UN Secretary-General called on the parties to think outside the box. In response to this call, the Turkish Cypriot side developed a new vision and announced its new proposal to the world at the UN 5+ informal conference held in Geneva on April 27-29, 2021,” he said.

We support, he added, “a model of cooperation in the light of the realities on the island, that is, on the basis of the existence of two independent and sovereign states”. status which is an inherent right of the Turkish people of Cyprus” he continued.

He added that the new vision sets a new basis for the start of formal negotiations, acceptable to both sides, based on cooperation in good neighborly relations. of a new negotiation process “from where it left off” and emphasizes that a new process should be started if the disparity of status between the two sides is eliminated,” he continued.

He said they believe a period of six months is sufficient for the UN Secretary-General's envoy to determine whether there is common ground between the two sides on the island, adding that at the end of that period they expect the envoy to draw up an impartial report documenting clearly her conclusions about the events on the island and her finding as to whether there is common ground and which report contains realistic recommendations for future steps.

“Our approval for the appointment of the personal envoy by the UN Secretary General does not in any way imply a change in our new state policy for Cyprus”, he said.

Recalling the call of the Turkish President Erdogan for the recognition of the pseudo-state at the UN General Assembly in the last two years, he said it is proof of our clear and decisive stance. Ertugruloglou also stated that they believe that the appointment of the personal envoy is an opportunity to record once again “the new vision of the tdvc for Cyprus”.

Source: www.philenews.com

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