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Demonstrators demanded respect for immigrants on Saturday in Nicosia

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    Protest for respect for immigrants in Nicosia

    A peaceful protest took place at noon on Saturday in Eleftheria Square, after call of the African Community in Cyprus, with the support of other organizations. Those gathered called for respect for all immigrants.

    Among the demands, as stated in a community statement, is to stop police repression, deportations and dehumanization of asylum seekers and third-country nationals, as well as the ensuring equal access to medical and health services.

    As stated in the announcement, the protest was also organized on the occasion of the recent death of the immigrant from Bangladesh, Anisur Rahman, on April 10 in Limassol. “All we desire is a life free from the fear of police harassment and violence, a fair living and open access to critical social services,” the announcement reads.

    It also claims that “ immigrants are treated by the state and many employers as second-class citizens” and that they are faced with “practices of control and investigation in the streets by the Police because of their racial origin”.

    Source: cyprustimes.com

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