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ECB: Bell for the euro as a reserve currency

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Central banks reduce their reserves in euros

< p>The European Central Bank expresses intense concern about the course of the euro as a reserve currency.

According to a report published on Wednesday 12/06, the share of the euro in < strong>global foreign exchange marketsfell last year amid concerns that plans to use frozen Russian assets to finance Ukraine could further erode the appeal of Europe's single currency.

Other countries reduced euro assets in central bank reserves banks by around €100bn last year, down almost 5%. This reduced the single currency's share of global foreign exchange reserves to a three-year low of 20%.

Recent moves by Swiss and Japanese institutions to shore up their own currencies against the risk of devaluation have resulted in them selling some of their euro holdings, the ECB said. But that did not hurt other critical reserve currencies, such as the US dollar and the Japanese yen, he added, which increased their share last year.

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<p><strong>Russia's role</strong></p>
<p>Russia holds approximately 40% of its official foreign exchange assets in euros, an unusually high percentage, equivalent to around 8% of total global reserves held in Europe's single currency, the ECB said.</p>
<p>About $300 billion of Russia's foreign exchange reserves have been frozen by international sanctions following its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, and G7 leaders are discussing plans to mobilize those assets – most of which are denominated in euros – to provide of additional funding to Ukraine.</p>
<p>The ECB highlighted the risk that tensions with Russia could have an impact on the euro, saying: “Measures related to sanctions may be related to the euro's share of global foreign exchange reserves in the future”.</p>
<p>The ECB has repeatedly warned that an outright freeze risks damaging the euro's international role. Italy's central bank governor Fabio Panetta said earlier this year that “instrumentalization” of the single currency could damage its appeal.</p>
<p><strong>Benefits and risks</strong></p >
<p>The euro's role as the world's second largest reserve currency behind the US dollar offers significant benefits to the Eurozone, allowing members of the single currency bloc to issue debt more cheaply.</p>
<p>However, the euro's share of global foreign exchange reserves has fallen from 25% two decades ago, as countries have shifted to holding a larger share of other currencies such as the Chinese renminbi, the Australian dollar and the Korean won. Over the same period, the US dollar's share fell from close to 70% to just under 60%.</p>
<p>The ECB announced that its index of the international use of the euro fell by 0.7 percentage points last year at constant exchange rates. However, it said the metric was “broadly stable” at current exchange rates.</p>
<p>It cited HSBC research into central banks that found the eurozone's weak growth outlook was a factor “holding back investment in assets in euros', as well as the lack of supply of highly rated assets and the central issuance of debt in the bloc.</p>
<p>Some countries, such as China, Russia and Iran, are seeking to use their own currencies more for international trade by establishing local alternatives to the Swift system for international payments.</p>
<p>Piero Cipollone, member of ECB board member, wrote to the FT that the eurozone could link its direct payments system to similar networks in other countries “to further develop the infrastructure for making cross-border euro payments with key partners”.</p>
<p> < p><strong>Challenges</strong></p>
<p>According to the ECB report last year was characterized by increased global inflationary pressures and tight monetary policy among major central banks. Geopolitical tensions continued to raise the risk of a more fragmented international monetary system. “Although the data so far do not show any sign of substantial changes in the use of international currencies, we must remain vigilant for any cracks that begin to appear,” ECB President Christine Lagarde said characteristically.</p>
<p>The 2023 the euro's share of global foreign exchange reserves fell by one percentage point at constant exchange rates to 20%, a level last seen in 2020.</p>
<p>Other indicators of the international role of the euro show reductions in its position, albeit limited. These include the outstanding stock of international deposits, the outstanding stock of international loans and global foreign exchange settlements. The share of the euro in outstanding international debt securities and in the pricing of goods traded between the euro area and non-euro area countries increased.</p>
<p>According to the ECB in terms of the future, the international role of the euro it will be primarily supported by a deeper and fuller Economic and Monetary Union, including the promotion of capital markets union, in the pursuit of sound economic policies. The Eurosystem supports these policies and emphasizes the need for further efforts to complete the Economic and Monetary Union. “Deeper European economic and financial integration, together with improvements in cross-border payment systems between the euro and other currencies, will be key to increasing the resilience of the euro's international role in a potentially more fragmented world,” said President Lagarde. </p>
<div class=Source: 24h.com.cy

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