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Sunday, June 16, 2024

EDEK: ELAM leadership exposed by revelations about conviction of its President

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ΕΔΕΚ: Εκτεθει&mu ηεσυαποαλ ειαδουροη &sigmaf?

“His conviction for illegal weaponsby the Greek justice system in 2007, the President of ELAM admitted in last night's TV show”, EDEK states in its announcement.

The President of ELAM, as the announcement states, ” he was forced to confess his conviction, after the President of EDEK exposed him with his positions”.

“It is noted that with his confession the President of ELAM fired Sotiris Ioannou's MP, who also in a television show on April 26, disgustingly rejected the conviction of his leader, calling the President of EDEK a liar”.

As is well known, when the President of ELAM, continues the announcement of EDEK, “was in Athens, he was a member of the bodyguard group of the leader of the Golden Dawn criminal organization, Nikos Michaloliakos”.

The acceptance of the conviction essentially leaves the leadership of ELAM exposed. We hope the people will begin to understand who they are dealing with,” the announcement concludes.

Source: www.philenews.com

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