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Monday, June 17, 2024

In the footsteps of the “ghost city”: Journey to the cosmopolitan woman who remains a prisoner for 50 years (Images)

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Στα βorματα τησ « πoλης-φaντασμα»: Οδοιπορικo στ&eta ;νομοισα για αααμειμαλωκνεσ /p> </source> </p>
<p>Time seems to have frozen on August 14, 1974, the day the second phase of the Turkish invasion took place and resulted in the capture of the city of Famagusta, which remains under occupation to this day. Stagnation, abandonment, deterioration today characterize the image of the once cosmopolitan Cyprus, as we had the opportunity to see for ourselves, going to the area with the “Salonica View” team.</p>
<p><img decoding=< /video>

It is, after all, well known that between 1960 and 1974, the city was a world-famous tourist resort, due to its golden sandy beach, while it was the most developed part of the island and the central cultural pole, with many festivals and events.

Στα βorματα τησ « πoλης-φaντασμα»: Οδοιπορικo στ&eta ;νομοισα για αααμειμαλωκνεσ /p> </p>
<p>At the entrance to the fenced area <strong>is located the “outpost” of the occupying regime,</strong>which counts visitors and checks their luggage. My God, how tragic it is that one needs permission from the illegal occupying invaders, to be able to visit one's home, one's place, one's schools, one's neighborhoods! <strong>How much sadness, melancholy, we also felt a knot in our stomach</strong>. Let's face the need to see up close, some for the first time, favorite places, then carrying with us a stronger desire to return.</p>
<p><img decoding= < p>On Kennedy Avenue…

Emotions were strong and mixed, especially among the first and second generation refugees, after some of them, shocked, saw again up close, after many years their enslaved city, the place where they lived the first years of their lives, where they were born, played, went to school and the older ones fell in love and got married.

Στα βorματα τησ « πoλης-φaντασμα»: Οδοιπορικo στ&eta ;νομοισα για αααμειμαλωκνεσ /p> </p>
<p><strong>We walked along the famous Kennedy Boulevard with its hotels, which once hosted citizens and celebrities of the time</strong>, where Paul Newman filmed the movie “Exodus”. We saw the golden sand of the city, the Golden Beach, the beach of the Konstantia hotel, the “Glossa” beach, Aktaion, Faliro, <strong>beaches that have been the attraction and destination for many Hollywood stars, from Brigitte Bardot to Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.</p>
<p><img decoding= < p>Churches-jewels of the city

Within the strongest medieval walls of the city, the ruins of many other monuments, including numerous churches, are preserved in good condition. /strong>specimens of various types of architecture.

First, we visited the today ruined church of Agios Georgios Latinos,which is an excellent example of Gothic architecture. Then we went to the Church of Saint George of the Hellenes, the largest Orthodox church of the Frankish period in Cyprus, which combines the Gothic basilica with the Byzantine dome and with the characteristic fact that the volleys from the firearms from the Ottoman siege can still be seen on its walls.

Στα βorματα τησ « πoλης-φaντασμα»: Οδοιπορικo στ&eta ;νομοισα για αααμειμαλωκνεσ /p> </p>
<p>Of the architectural buildings that have survived to this day, <strong>impressive is the cathedral Gothic church of Agios Nikolaos,</strong> which has been converted into a mosque (Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque). Architecturally it <strong>imitates the cathedral of the French city of Reims, </strong>while in this <strong>temple the Frankish kings of Cyprus and Jerusalem were crowned</strong>. The square in front of the temple is also characteristic, where the last Venetian captain of Cyprus, Markantonios Bragadinos, defender of the city from the Ottomans, was allegedly tortured.</p>
<p><img decoding=Source: www.philenews.com

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