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Ministry of Foreign Affairs: We aim to safeguard the national security and territorial integrity of Cyprus

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ΥΠΑΜ: Αποσκο ποεδιαηςεια σφλειαιεικσριη τας της Κyπρου /></p>
<p data-block-key=By maintaining the defense capabilities at a high level, through the strengthening of the deterrence capacity of the National Guard, we aim to safeguard our national security and our territorial integrity, emphasized today the Minister of Defense Basilis Palmas, in his greeting at the graduation ceremony and badges to the graduates of the 84th Submarine Disaster School, held at the “Evangelos Florakis” Naval Base, in Mari.

The Minister assured the new submarine destroyers that he knows very well “the conditions and qualifications required for someone to succeed in joining the Navy and successfully completing its extremely demanding training”.

He added that the insignia that they will now proudly wear on their uniforms was not given to them, but they earned it “with a lot of sweat and perseverance” while expressing the certainty that if necessary they will honor it to the end.

< p data-block-key="bdd6o">Today, the Minister continued, they officially join the Underwater Disaster Unit, one of the most elite units of the National Guard. In the forces of the Frogmen, where only the mentally and physically strong manage to survive”. obtained “in a Unit that demands from those who serve it courage, dynamism, physical and mental strength and absolute commitment and devotion”

The Minister of Defense called on everyone to know that “our country needs young people” like them “disciplined, conscientious, with high morale and mental fortitude. The National Guard, relying on your contribution, remains committed to its mission,” he noted.

Mr. Palmas also referred to “the contribution of the Navy of the National Guard to humanitarian missions and Search and Rescue operations. In the various calls for assistance the Navy is ready to act where required within the area of ​​responsibility of the Republic of Cyprus”.

In this context, he continued, “the Council of Ministers, recognizing the significant contribution of the Navy personnel, approved, following a relevant proposal submitted by the Ministry of Defense, Regulations establishing for the first time the payment of a sailing allowance to the members of the Army of the Republic, the which belong to the crews of warships, when they are at sea, in a bay or at anchor outside the territorial waters of the Republic of Cyprus”.

As the Ministry of Defence, he continued, ” in the context of the mission that the State has assigned us to protect our citizens and ensure the defense of our homeland, we have set as our goal the continuous upgrading of the National Guard's combat capability, with simultaneous adaptation to the requirements of the modern operational environment. By maintaining our defense capabilities at a high level, through strengthening the deterrent capability of the National Guard, we aim to safeguard our national security and territorial integrity.”

At the same time, he expressed thanks and congratulations to those who contributed to the comprehensive education of the young frogmen, to their families and relatives who supported their choices and noted that “the State will be by their side”.

Source: KYPE

Source: reporter.com.cy

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