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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Reactions to a traffic accident in the areas occupied by the Turkish army

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Αντιδρασεισ &gamma ιοστεαο ρκο φαντρο

In Pakistan, the 26-year-old Navid Akbar will be buried today, who died in a traffic accident in the occupied Karavostasi last Saturday, June 15, at around 2 a.m. when the car driven by 22-year-old Mehmet Eren Erdogan, a soldier of the occupying army, fell up where he sat eating and drinking with his friends, on the wall of a monument.

The incident became a main topic in many local media due to the protest of the fiancee and friends of the unfortunate victim who wanted the Turkish infantryman who was allegedly drunk and caused the death of the 26-year-old to be tried. They had also requested that Akbar's body be sent to Pakistan for his funeral and this was done yesterday, with the mediation of the Pakistani Embassy in Ankara.

By during Bairam, the Feast of Sacrifice, there were many accidents in the occupied territories, due to alcohol and speed, and road accidents in general are a topic that constantly comes up in the media.

The relatives and Akbar's friends reacted to Erdogan's surrender to his unit without arrest on the grounds that he is a TED soldier in the occupied territories, and demanded a fair “trial”. They also stated that they will closely monitor the issue and organize large-scale protests if there is no fair “trial”.

The demand that the Turkish soldier be tried in the occupied territories for the accident the head of the Communist Party of Greece, Nevzand Ozkud, supported this with a written statement.

Source: KYPE

Source: reporter.com.cy

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