Proceedings regarding the sales resume from today after the suspension approved by the House of Representatives, which ended yesterday.
The suspension, which was voted on November 10, while at the beginning of December the Parliament had rejected the relevant impeachment of President Anastasiades, it related to non-performing loans secured by a main residence worth up to €350,000, the debtor's professional accommodation for businesses with an annual turnover of up to €750,000 and plots of land in which an agricultural and livestock activity is carried out, the estimated value of which does not exceed €100,000.
Based on part VIA τ of the Transfer and Mortgage of Real Estate Law, the mortgagor begins the process of selling the mortgaged property after serving the mortgage debtor and any other interested person with a written notice according to Type “I” of the Second Appendix, accompanied by a statement of the mortgage debt owed , interest and all costs for its collection, calling on him to pay the amount, according to the account statement provided, giving a margin of 45 days from the date of service of the notice to pay the amount due, while publications should also be made to Press.
Consequently, as the KYPE is informed, there are expected to be dozens of publications, which were postponed due to the suspension approved by the Parliament.