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The background and role of Constantinos Petridis for the holding of FIBA ​​EuroBasket 2025 in Cyprus

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To παρασκorνιο κ αιροσκσαο&psilon;ρ διδιετουσην yπρο

The basketball world of Cyprus is gearing up for FIBA ​​EuroBasket 2025, as it is the biggest sporting event our country has ever hosted. Popular stars as well as top National Basketball Teams will be on our island, for the biggest basketball event on the planet, after the FIBA ​​World Cup.

A decisive role in the holding of FIBA ​​EuroBasket 2025 in Cyprus was played by the former Minister of Finance, Konstantinos Petridis, who from the beginning believed in and supported the competition's claim. Mr. Petridis had a huge contribution to the realization of a great goal and a huge vision for the Cyprus Basketball Federation.

The announcement of Cyprus' candidacy was made in September 2021, at a press conference in Nicosia, in the presence of the then Minister of Finance, Konstantinos Petridis, the leadership of the KOA, the KOE, while the legend of European basketball, Dimitris Diamantidis, was also present on our island. , who as an ambassador of the Cypriot candidacy, also fought in his own way.

After the presentation of the candidate countries, on March 22, FIBA ​​granted the organization in Cyprus, in Munich attended by Konstantinos Petridis, the leadership of the CMO, as well as the KOE.

The clear government support of the pre-existing know-how, the financial study that was done, as well as the organized bid as a candidate country, were the main reasons that FIBA ​​granted the event to Cyprus.

Konstantinos Petridis, as Finance Minister of the Nicos Anastasiades Government, was convinced of the benefits of the undertaking for the Cypriot economy and embraced the effort from the first moment, ensuring the clear support of the State, which is a necessary element for any candidacy.< /p>

It is a fact that such events have nothing to do with the Federation, not even with the CMO, but clear state support is required to be selected. Konstantinos Petridis himself traveled to Munich, together with the Cypriot delegation, sending a clear message of governmental support to FIBA.

It is noteworthy that the current president of the Republic, Nikos Christodoulidis, as Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time, was the first to support the candidacy, having meetings at the highest level with FIBA, and supporting the efforts of the KOK towards FIBA.

In addition, today 2024, the efforts made by the current Minister of Transport, Alexis Vafiadis, are great, as the Ministry he leads has assumed the most important role of implementing the upgrade of the stadium.


Both the current president of the KOM, Yiannis Ioannou and his Board of Directors, as well as the previous president, Andreas Michailidis, fought and are fighting a great battle. Both of them provided significant support to achieve the great success.


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Source: reporter.com.cy

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