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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The street of Crete was filled with inspiration and colors from the children

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Με Εμπνευση και χρματαπιισε Κρorτη&sigmaf?

What are we doing for a better future? We take inspiration from children, support them and move forward starting from our city, realizing that even the smallest contribution to the environment is big.

The sign at the entrance of a well-known parking lot in the center of Nicosia reads “Parking Apple” and is yet another action by Hellenic Bank to make walking around the city easier and more accessible for everyone.

Hellenic Bank, in the broader context of its ESG Strategy, offers free parking for all citizens and visitors to the center, on Kritis Street, parallel to Makariou Avenue in Nicosia. The aim is to support the wider campaign of the Municipality of Nicosia to get to know our city anew, without a car. To bring families back to the centre, enjoying a walk and encouraging walking. The benefits of car-free city commuting are multiple, including reduced air and noise pollution, increased green space, higher levels of active mobility, improved overall public health and a more beautiful city for all.

Με Εμπνευση και χρματαπιισε Κρorτη&sigmaf?

A city whose future belongs to the children, which is why Hellenic Bank wanted to involve itself in this action. In collaboration with the Ecological Schools, the institution supported by Hellenic Bank for more than 25 years, he asked the students to envision a greener city through their drawings. The children of Eleniou Primary School took paints and brushes and painted a better future. Their paintings now decorate the surroundings of the specific parking area, seeking to inspire us to change the way we live, consume, work and produce. The children had the opportunity to visit the free parking lot and have their photos taken with their projects, leaving everyone excited about the messages they managed to send through them.

Μεμνεση χρματ ; ααπιιεοσκτσ /></p>
<p>The aim of Hellenic Bank is to lead the transition to the Green Economy believing that a green investment is a real investment for our future. Hellenic Bank stands by society with a comprehensive ESG program, focused on strengthening our environmental culture and reducing our environmental impact.</p>
<div class=Source: www.philenews.com

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