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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Twenty-five years of Superhome Center operation

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Giorgos Tziovanni: The opening of two new stores, in Limassol and Kokkinohoria, is planned by the company

Εκοι χριαει ουργας Superhome Center

The CEO of Superhome Center, Mr. Giorgos Tziovanni.

The Superhome Center company, a member of the CTC group of companies, closes its 25 years of operation this year. The first Superhome Center department store opened its doors in Nicosia in March 1999. Today, with six stores across Cyprus and with more than 65,000 high-quality products, the company continues to pioneer, offering solutions that satisfy all home needs , the garden, the office, or any other place.

The CEO of Superhome Center, Mr. Giorgos Tziovannis, talks to us about the course, the evolution over the years, the electronic market, the “culture” of DIY and the company's plans for the future.

< strong>–Twenty-five years of operation of the Superhome Center company. How do you feel about it?

– The 25 years of operation of the Superhome Center company is an important milestone for me and I am deeply moved, as I started working for the company from its foundation. I feel proud of our path and the progress we have achieved so far. I believe that our stable course is the result of the dedication of our staff, the support of the founder and honorary life president of the CTC group of companies, Nikos Siakola, our partners and suppliers, but also our constant effort to offer innovative, safe and high quality products that fully cover the needs of our customers.

-A total of six Superhome Center stores operate throughout Cyprus, of which three are in Nicosia. What are the next steps? Any thoughts on a new store?

–The company will vigorously pursue its expansion strategy, soon proceeding with the construction of a warehouse with a total area of ​​15,000 square meters. In addition, it plans to open two new stores, one in west Limassol and one in the area of ​​Kokkinochoria, with the aim of meeting the needs of the free province of Famagusta.

–How many visitors do you serve annually?

–Superhome Center department stores serve more than 1.5 million visitors per year.

–In recent years, online shopping has entered our daily lives for good. How would you characterize customer adaptation to this? Is it something they've been able to easily incorporate into the way they shop?

– Our customers have responded positively to the possibilities of online shopping, enjoying the convenience and speed it offers to their purchases. We've implemented a lot of technology to make this process easier, and we're soon rolling out a major system upgrade to improve our customers' experience in our online store.

–You're seeing a drop in the market products from physical stores due to online shopping?

–In my opinion, online shopping has significantly affected the way consumers make decisions and buy products. Many consumers use the online store to search, compare and evaluate products before reaching the final purchase. They then visit physical stores to see the product in person before deciding to buy it. So I can say that many customers use the online store like an online catalog so that they are more informed and prepared for the purchases they are going to make in the physical store. This process is a complementary approach between online and physical stores, providing consumers with more choice and information before purchasing. Therefore, as I mentioned above, I don't think there is a general decline in the purchase of products from physical stores, as consumers still visit physical stores for various reasons, such as the feel of the product and immediate availability.

< strong>-According to the statistics of the “European E-Commerce Report2023”, 57% of Cypriot Internet users in 2023 made an online purchase, 2% more than in 2022. How do you see the online market going so far in 2024? Do you foresee the rate increasing for 2024?

– We observe that the online market is expected to have an upward trajectory in 2024 as well, reflecting the accelerating trends of Digital Commerce. Consumers seem to be showing more and more preference for online shopping year after year because of the convenience and convenience it offers. At Superhome Center we understand the importance of adapting to these new realities and are constantly committed to providing innovative solutions that will meet the needs of our customers in the digital world.

–What are your top five products? with the largest market share?

–In our department stores, which offer a wide range of products, there is no fixed sales hierarchy, as it constantly changes depending on fashion, product seasonality, and even weather conditions. For example, in recent days, due to the high temperatures, we have noticed in our department stores an increased demand for items such as fans, air conditioners, but also products that improve the lifestyle of consumers, such as swimming pools, decorative garden items, garden furniture and shading products.< /p>

–How many products do you have in total?

–Our stores offer over 65,000 high-quality products, in over 20 specialized categories.

–In which products Do you plan to expand?

–In recent years we have seen increased interest in smart home products, as consumers want to be able to remotely control their environment. In addition, as part of our company's green policy, we aim to make available more environmentally friendly products. At the same time, we make efforts so that our customers prefer and use recyclable products, thus promoting a more sustainable way of life with the aim of a better tomorrow for everyone. At an overall level, the products we foresee for expansion are those related to smart home and eco-products, responding to the modern needs and environmental challenges of our time.

The pandemic has increased DIY

–During the pandemic period, we have seen a big increase in DIY “culture”. How has this evolved today?

–During the pandemic period we did notice a significant increase in the Do it yourself (DIY) “culture”. People were more financially strapped due to the uncertainty and economic challenges brought about by the pandemic. But at the same time, they had more time at home due to the restrictive measures and telecommuting. This situation strengthened their interest in doing various DIY projects and repairs at home themselves instead of turning to professionals. Furthermore, this situation has helped consumers realize how easy and creative it is to engage in either building or repairing various devices.

This trend has therefore had a positive impact on DIY stores, as many consumers chose to invest in the purchase of tools and materials that would allow them to do tasks themselves at home. Overall, I think the shift to DIY “culture” during the pandemic has boosted the market for DIY stores.

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Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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