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Two-point lead for Trump, new poll shows

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Voters weigh in on recent convictions of both Trump and son Biden

Donald Trump< /strong>, the Republican presidential front-runner, built a two-percentage-point lead over US President Joe Biden this week in the race for the November election as voters weigh the recent convictions both Trump and his son Biden, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.

About 41% of registered voters in the two-day poll said they would vote for Trump if an election were held today, while 39% would vote for Democrat Biden.

About 20% of voters polled said they were undecided or undecided. leaned toward third-party options or won't go to the polls on Nov. 5.

Trump's lead is within the poll's nearly three-percentage-point margin of error for registered voters, many of whom are on par with about five months to go until the elections.

A previous Reuters/Ipsos poll, conducted May 31-June 1, had Biden ahead of Trump by two percentage points–41% to 39%.

The latest poll found 10% of respondents would choose Robert Kennedy Jr., an anti-vaccination activist who is running as an independent.

The percentage Kennedy would secure is the same as in the previous poll.

Both candidates are at a disadvantage on important issues in the run-up to the first presidential contest between the same people for the second time in the country's roughly 70-year history. Biden has faced criticism for his age – he is 81 – while a wing of his Democratic Party opposes his support for Israel in its war with Hamas.

The protests that have broken out in recent months at American universities have fueled concerns among Democrats that some young voters will not vote for Biden. who was convicted of a felony even though this poll showed that few voters have changed their minds since that development.

Last month Trump became the first president in the country's history – either sitting or former – to convicted of a felony.

Next month, he is expected to be sentenced — and likely face prison time — in the case of a porn star, whom he is accused of bribing before the 2016 presidential election in exchange for concealed that she had had sex with him.

The latest Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 80% of registered voters think the conviction of Biden's son is unlikely to affect the outcome compared to 61% who think that Trump's conviction does not affect their vote.

Source: 24h.com.cy

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