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We aspire to accelerate the development of Artificial Intelligence, said the Deputy Minister of Research

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    The state aspires, through targeted measures and incentives, to accelerate the development and adoption of artificial intelligence in the public and private sector, the Deputy Minister of Research said

    Mr. Damianou greeted on Saturday morning event organized by the Municipality of Ypsonas and the Youth Committee of the Municipality with the theme “Artificial Intelligence in our Everyday Life”, at the Municipal Theater of Ypsonas.

    As he said “it is clear that artificial intelligence will be at the heart of our digital future” and assured that “approaching technology as a tool and not as an end in itself, we are working towards the creation of the appropriate conditions that will allow and ensure the development and appropriate utilization of an ethical, reliable and human-centered IT, for the benefit of the economy and of the local society”.

    The Deputy Minister noted that beyond its role as a regulator, the state aspires, through targeted measures and incentives, to accelerate the development and adoption of artificial intelligence in the public and private sector, but also to integrate its applications into structures and operations of, in a way to substantially improve the services it provides to citizens”.

    Examples of such initiatives, he continued, are the formation of a pilot framework for the application of said technology in the field of education, with an emphasis on adaptive learning, the formation of a model for predicting the changing needs in the labor market, but also the financing of businesses, both for development and use of IT applications, as well as to upgrade the skills of their employees.

    Among other things, Mr. Damianou said that the regulation of both the development and use of IT in a way that complies with international ethical standards and principles that ensure human rights and the rule of law, is the subject of the European Act on Artificial Intelligence.

    “This is the first comprehensive legislation worldwide for this subject, in the processes for the formation of which the Vice-Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy is actively participating, he added.

    Referring to the prospects opened up by the use of IT in various sectors, he indicated the importance of and for the development of smart cities ” which is a key priority of our own Government”.

    He also reminded that an open competition on the subject of “Smart Cyprus” has already been announced and is underway.

    Source: cyprustimes.com

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