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“Yorgos Mazonakis did things in his life that I cannot say on television”

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    «Ο Γιoργος Μαζ&omega ;νκσαεματηζοπ δερτωτερ ;ση»

    “Vasso Mazonaki never became George's manager”

    At noon on Saturday, May 25, Nikos Mouratidis was a guest on the Alpha show “Kalytera De Ginetai” hosted by Natalia Germanou. Among other things, he referred to Giorgos Mazonakis' dispute with Vasso's sister and made a flashback to the past when he discovered him in Patras and became his manager.

    “I am the person who in the summer of 1992 discovered George Mazonakis in Patras. He was a nothing, a 20-year-old kid singing there in a shop. I took him to Athens and made him a contract with a big company. I planned his entire course and made him a super star from scratch”, Nikos Mouratidis said initially.

    “His family didn't get involved then, I always did what I wanted in consultation with Giorgos. I was after him like the dog. I gave him a great training, I took him to the theater, the cinema, I made him listen to records. Mazonakis called his mother and told her: I'm hungry. She would fry his steak and send it by taxi unaccompanied,” he added.

    “Vasso Mazonaki never became George's manager. He took him as a ready-made superstar and he was just picking up the phones, that. The manager's job is a big deal, managers build careers,” emphasized Nikos Mouratidis.

    “What fascinated me about him was his voice. He worked on the weekends in a butcher's tavern and when he went to Marinella one day he said to her: I'm very glad, colleague. That's when I said: he will definitely be,” he said at another point.

    “I did what I wanted, I made him a first name. But we disagreed on things he did in his life, which resulted in him not being able to be consistent in his work. I can't say it on TV though. I sent him a fatherly letter inviting him to choose. He didn't choose me, he was “fallen” by various astute people who wanted to work with him, and that's how he got Vasso to pick up the phones for him”, he concluded.


    Source: showbiz.cyprustimes.com

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