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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Yota Papadopoulou: The trip she chose to take with her daughters and the photo!

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    Γιoτα Παπαδοπ&omicron λο τξοεεκν ιισκωο&phi i&alpha?!

    The snapshot she shared from their trip

    Iota Papadopoulou is very active on her personal account on the internet platform of Instagram and often shares with her followers various snapshots from her daily life.

    Iota Papadopoulou chose to take a trip with only her three daughters and enjoy quality time together.

    She informed us about the event herself through her personal Instagram account.

    Specifically, she published a photo with the young women and wrote: “Girls trip ». 

    See the screenshot below:

    Γιταδοπολου δοεκεκε ς η σ η ω γ ρ φ /></p>
<div class=Source: showbiz.cyprustimes.com

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