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Survey: What are Cypriots looking for in clinical laboratories

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They choose based on location and quality

Ερυνα ψαχν στα ινι εργαστorριΚyπριι /></p>
<p>The criteria on the basis of which citizens choose the clinical laboratory in which they will perform their examinations was highlighted by a public opinion survey carried out on behalf of the Association of Accredited Laboratories of Cyprus, with the participation of almost 1000 people from all over Cyprus.</p>
<p>The survey shows that the vast majority of participants consider accreditation important and wish to be informed by the OAU about accredited laboratories and sampling centers. At the same time, the location is the most important factor in choosing a laboratory, according to the research, while one in four participants stated that they received a recommendation from their personal doctor for the choice of the laboratory.</p>
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Location and reliability come first

Regarding the criteria for choosing a clinical laboratory to perform tests, more than half (53%) answered location. 32% of participants choose a lab that is trusted, while 26% choose based on a personal relationship. 19% choose the laboratory based on a recommendation, while 6% take the brand as a selection criterion. Three out of four (75%) responded that having accreditation/certification plays a role in choosing a clinical laboratory, with those aged 25-64 saying so at rates well above average. Almost 8 out of 10 women (79%) and 7 out of 10 men (71%) said yes.

Noteworthy is the conclusion of the survey according to which (91%) of the participants want the OAU to inform/indicate which clinical laboratories are accredited, against 9% who answered “no” to the relevant question. To the question “do you receive or have received a recommendation from your doctor about which laboratory you should undergo?”, 75% of the participants answered in the negative, while one in four respondents (25%) received a recommendation from a doctor about the laboratory to take exams, with the percentage being significantly higher among the 25-34 age group (43%) and among women (29% vs. 21% among men).

Ερευνα: Τι ψαχνο&upsilon ;νσακικεσαοικπ ιοι

They want samples

More than nine out of ten also state that they have been served by a sampling center for their laboratory tests and were satisfied. Specifically, to the relevant question “have you been served by a test center for your exams in the past?”, 91% answered “yes” (71% in a private and 20% in a state test center), while 9% were not served by a test center .

The vast majority (94%) of those served said they were satisfied with the services they received, with nearly half (49%) further responding that there was no need for improvement in the sample center services, while one in four (27%) noted the need for certification (e.g. ISO), 11% possible improvements in hours, 8% in service, while 5% referred to improvements that could be made to facilities, machinery, access, cleanliness and staff .

After all, more than 9 out of 10 (92%) propose further expansion of the institution of sampling centers, compared to 5% who propose their abolition.

Ερευνα: Τι ψαχνο&upsilon ;νσακικεσαοικπ ιοι

The survey

The survey was conducted by Prime Consulting Ltd on behalf of the Cyprus Accredited Laboratories Association with 992 successful telephone interviews to people over 18 years of age, between 21 – 28 September 2023. Sampling was multi-stage stratified and pan-Cypriot, in urban and rural areas and the margin of statistical error is +/-3%.

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Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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