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Monday, June 24, 2024
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Louis Hotels took over the five-star Once in Mykonos

Insider Louis Hotels added one of the most elegant and stylish hotels in Greece to its collection. The Group, which has now become...

What will apply to UK roaming charges for Cyta customers

Insider The United Kingdom still has CYTA in the list of countries to which the European Union Regulation on international roaming Roaming Like...

The assets of the Collective Investments approached € 10 billion

The total Assets Under Management for the first quarter of 2021 amounted to € 9.8 billion, recording an increase of 14% compared to...

Two new partners support Deloitte Cyprus

Deloitte Cyprus is strengthened with two new partners. These are Michalis-Aris Michailidis, who undertakes a Partner in the Department of Tax and Legal...

Zela Aviation cooperation with Fly2Sky with new flights to Europe

The strategic agreement is expected to actively contribute to the revitalization of tourist traffic, as it concerns the availability of a state-of-the-art Airbus...

Emirates resumes flights from Larnaca to Malta

Three weekly flights to Malta via Larnaca from 14 July 2021, further expanding its European network to 34 destinations and offering customers worldwide...

Profit “boom” for Cyta in the midst of a pandemic

In 2020 and in the midst of a pandemic, the highest profitability of the last nine years was recorded for CYTA. In a...

Altamira Real Estate: 300 new properties and a renewed website!

Insider Altamira Real Estate presents its new, upgraded website in order to offer an even more exciting digital experience to those who are...

It is mandatory to accept cards from companies

philenews / KYPE The obligation of companies operating in the service sector and retail trade, to accept payment by card, and to inform...

B. Hierarch: Profits of € 29.3 million from operating activities for Logicom

Inevitably, the technology sector has been affected by the pandemic in different ways and at different levels, said the Vice President and CEO...

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