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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Savvia Orfanidou to register a matter in the Parliament for old shareholders

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<p>By Alexia Kafetzis</p>
<p style=Following the meeting we had with the Association of Old Shareholders of the Bank of Cyprus today we proceeded, as a Democratic Alert, and we sent a letter to the Parliament for registration of the issue that concerns the activation of the Solidarity Fund in general and the old shareholders in particular.

The Association expressed its concern that the plans for the Solidarity Fund are proceeding without taking into account the Board of the Fund and in particular the old shareholders.

We remind you that the legislation made in 2017 by the Democratic Alarm, beneficiaries of of the Solidarity Fund are the shorn depositors, the holders of securities and the old shareholders. In addition to the legislation, in recent years we have managed to save a respectable amount and now we are asking the government to activate the Fund for the benefit of all beneficiaries, in a fair, correct and proportionate manner.

Source: 24h.com.cy

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