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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tax Information 2024 from Deloitte

Must read

An essential guide to the Cyprus tax landscape for every taxpayer

Deloitte today published the annual tax guide “Cyprus – Tax Information 2024”. This guide is an invaluable tool that provides comprehensive and detailed information to individuals and legal entities regarding the tax environment of Cyprus.

The tax guide includes all the important provisions of the tax legislation, incorporating the amendments passed by the House of Representatives up to the date of its publication, a tax calendar for 2024, an updated list of double taxation treaties, as well as information on tax obligations that derived from income tax, extraordinary defense levy, capital gains tax, VAT, GST, and many more. This year's edition also includes two new summary sections on the global minimum tax rate (Pillar II) and mandatory disclosure rules for platform operators (DAC7).

Deloitte Tax Information has become a valuable tool for taxpayers in Cyprus. The provision of tax services is one of the main services provided by the company, with particular emphasis on corporate taxation, personal taxation, VAT issues and international tax planning issues for international organizations, as well as Cypriot companies with activities abroad. Combining innovation and expertise across all industries, Deloitte helps organizations operate their business efficiently and confidently in the ever-changing tax environment.

Antonis Taliotis, Head of Tax and Legal Services at Deloitte Cyprus, emphasizes the importance of immediate access to up-to-date tax information. As it states, “By bringing together all the necessary information in one comprehensive publication, this annual tax guide equips taxpayers with the knowledge they need to comply with their obligations, and turn the challenges that present themselves into opportunities.”

The guide “Cyprus – Tax Information 2024” is available in Greek and English on the website www.deloitte.com/cy/tax-facts-2024.

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Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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