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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

EIB financed projects in excess of €5 billion in Cyprus, said its Vice President

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    Projects over €5 billion were financed by the EIB in Cyprus, said its Vice President – Event entitled “The European Cohesion Policy and us”

    Projects with a total value of over €5 billion were financed by the European Investment Bank in Cyprus strong>, said the Vice President of the Bank, Kyriakos Kakouris, speaking at an event entitled “The European Cohesion Policy and us”, which was organized by the Panikos Hadjihampis Foundation on Thursday afternoon at the “Attikon” Polyhalle, in Paphos. p>

    Cyprus became a member of the European Union in 2004 paying a small capital of around 30 million euros to date, which has been recouped many times over, he noted. In addition, Mr. Kakouris referred to the value of the European Investment Bank, noting that the Bank in Cyprus has financed projects with a total value of more than 5 billion euros.

    He also mentioned that the loan requested by the Municipality of Paphos for the student residences, will be examined before the Steering Committee, in which he participates, and he wished to have good news. As he said, he has seen projects being carried out throughout Cyprus from the financing of the Social Cohesion Funds of the EIB, noting that these projects have improved the quality of life of the citizens of Cyprus.

    Afterwards, Mr. Kakouris said that in Europe, as in the previous period, so also now, there are countries that really want to change the cohesion policy. The misfortune, he continued, “is that some countries that have benefited a lot prefer other plans, such as resilience plans at this time.” The solution, he indicated, “is that the small countries must raise their voice because it is a policy that works”.

    Things are not as they were 20 years ago, the Vice-President of the EIB stressed, underlining that Europe is under threat due to the ongoing crises and, above all, democracy and its security are under threat.

    “Cohesion policy is needed”, he pointed out. . Referring to the report prepared by Professor Enrico Leta on the future of the Cohesion Policy, Mr. Kakouris said that the report clearly says that a single market cannot exist without the Cohesion Policy, adding that the EIB supports the Cohesion Policy.

    Afterwards, he characterized the climate as a “threat”, saying at the same time that the EIB is next to the countries that faced the climate threat. “We must contribute in order to make all regions of all countries competitive”, he stressed.

    The Mayor of Paphos, Phaidonas Phaidonos, in his greeting said that he always makes sure that the citizens are aware of the benefit of Paphos from Europe. Summarizing, he said that out of a total of 222 million euros, which is the value of the projects carried out during his 9 years as mayor, “32 million come from the American University of Beirut, 80 million from European co-financing and the money is also included which were given by the Maritime Fund, while now in the new period it is another 16 million”,

    At the same time, he said that “we also receive water meters from the Recovery Fund, adding that “Paphos is the first city that is almost complete with 30,000 water meters”. Referring to the European co-financing, Mr. Phaidonos noted that “for the first time Cyprus came face to face with what planning means”.

    For his part, Socialist-Democrats MEP Dimitris Papadakis said that “today we give an answer why we have to participate in the European elections”. The sign for Cypriot citizens is very positive with our participation in the EU, he added. “Cyprus was a model for absorbing funds,” he noted.

    In the previous seven years, he continued, in addition to the fact that Cyprus received a lot of money, infrastructure projects were carried out. He also said that today's debate about the European elections should make us wiser. Regarding the daily life of the citizen, Mr. Papadakis said that the daily life of the citizens “is related to the decisions taken in the European Parliament and to the policies that originate from the EU such as consumer protection, study programs and human rights” .

    Coordinator of the event was Kostas Iakovou, former Director of Structural Programs.

    Source: cyprustimes.com

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