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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Next to the fire victims in Farmakas members of AKEL. “We ask the government to immediately take all measures”

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    Next to the fire victims in Farmakas members of AKEL – “We ask the government to immediately take all measures”

    AKEL's parliamentary representative Giorgos Loukaidis visited the community since yesterday for to be informed about the developments of the fire, while today, a delegation headed by Aristo Damianos Vouletis, member of the PG of the KE of AKEL, made a site visit.

    In a statement, AKEL wants to express the his solidarity with all those affected by the devastating fires but also his thanks to all those who worked and are working tirelessly in the last few days to deal with the fiery blaze.

    “We ask the government immediately take all measures to restore water supply and electricity to the affected agricultural lands. The issues of operational readiness, early intervention and prevention of fires will be discussed at the Parliament's Interior Committee next Thursday, following an initiative by AKEL,” he concludes.

    Source: cyprustimes.com

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