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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Social Services operators are absent from the on-call service

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As stated in the announcement, the abstinence will end with return of all Officers who are seconded outside the services.

As stated in an announcement, the abstinence will only end with the return of all the Officers who are seconded outside of the services.

The Branch complains that, despite the efforts of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare, few of the agreed upon have been implemented, in particular with regard to the issue of the return of seconded officers.

“There are”, he says, strong resistance to their return from the Services where they have been seconded, but also from the seconded themselves, who they were comfortable away from the burden and the problems that their colleagues face every day”.

The impasse was formalized in today's meeting of the General Director of the Deputy Ministry, with an echelon of PASYDY, which was led by the Secretary General of the Organization, Stratis Matthew.

Source: riknews

Source: politis.com.cy

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