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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The actions of the “FAIR PLAY Ambassador” with the support of SupportCY of the Bank of Cyprus

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<p>The “FAIR PLAY Ambassador” Program, the central figure of which is the FAIR PLAY Ambassador 2024 former volleyball player and current coach and pyroman Giorgos Chrysostomou, is implemented with the support of SupportCY of the Bank of Cyprus. Giorgos Chrysostomou was announced as Fair Play Ambassador on February 8, 2024, by the Cyprus Olympic Committee and the Cyprus Sports Organization, in the context of the 51st Celebration of the Elites of the EAK.</p>
<p>During the presentation of the actions for the implementation of the Program at the Head Offices of the Bank of Cyprus, Giorgos Chrysostomou, Fair Play Ambassador, referred to the start of the implementation of a program to highlight Fair Play at all levels of Cypriot Education. From Kindergartens, Elementary, Middle, High, and even our Universities. The Program is aimed at five-year-old children, up to 25-year-old graduate students. Literally, the educational material will include issues of intimidation, bullying at school and in sports. We will try to inform our youth about the big problems, the scourges in sports, such as doping and violence in the stadiums, George Chrysostomou concluded.</p>
<p>The Director of the Bank of Cyprus' Risk Management Department, Dimitris Dimitriou, underlined that in the context of Bank of Cyprus' SupportCY and our wider cooperation with the Fire Service, we are particularly happy to support such an important program for the youth. A program that gives the right supplies to compete with noble competition and proper behavior. Through George's experiences, children, teenagers, national guardsmen, male and female students will get examples and beautiful advice, useful not only in their sports activities but also for their everyday life and life in general.</p>
<p> < p>Giorgos Chrysostomou started sports from his teenage years and has been serving it continuously for about 45 years. For more than 20 years he was a volleyball player of Omonia, while he played in the National Youth, Men's and Armed Forces teams. Since 2008 he has been the coach of the National Armed Forces. In 2015 he was honored with the “Stelios Kyriakides” moral medal from the EAK and in 2022 with the “Moral and Offer” Medal from the International Military Council. He serves in the Fire Service and has been distinguished and awarded for his morale both by the Police-Fire Service and by the Supreme Sports Council of the National Guard (ASAEF). </p>
<p>As part of SupportCY, the Fair Play Ambassador's journeys throughout Cyprus are supported by Petrolina. More information on the Fair Play action plan will be published at regular intervals on SupportCY's Social Media.</p>
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Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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