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Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Tamasou Isaias was declared honorary President of the Military Police (pics)

One of the greatest honors that can be received by a citizen who served in the National Guard was received last Saturday...

82-year-old woman sends messages of love in Limassol-Gives gifts to children from Ukraine

An 82-year-old woman in Limassol sends messages of charity and love to fellow human beings, for whom the Christmas holidays are more than...

Reconciliation is proposed by the Association of Fighters EOKA 1955-1959 on the occasion of a Parliament resolution

The Association of EOKA Fighters 1955-1959, in its statement regarding the recent decision of the Parliament regarding the leader of EOKA, Georgios Griva...

One-hour absence from classes tomorrow at the Lyceum of Apostles Peter and Paul due to teaching material

One-hour absence from classes tomorrow at the Lyceum of Apostles Peter and Paul due to teaching material - The Association of Parents of...

Shocking video tribute to the Cypriot firefighters. They save 2,500 citizens a year

Shocking video tribute to the Cypriot Firefighters – They save 2,500 civilians every year – The video is dedicated to all the...

The findings of the autopsy on the body of a 64-year-old man who died after being arrested

The autopsy was performed on the body of the 64-year-old who died after his arrest in Nicosia. The autopsy was performed...

Rally outside Parliament on Thursday by the Griva Digeni Foundation

A rally outside the House of Representatives will be held by the Griva Digeni Foundation. In a statement, the foundation...

Four out of ten students say it is easy to access illegal substances

Four in 10 students say it is very or fairly easy for them to access illegal substances within 24 hours if they wanted...

The High School of Apostles Peter and Paul announced the immediate taking of dynamic measures

The immediate adoption of dynamic measures was announced by the Lyceum of Apostles Peter and Paul in Limassol, due to the curriculum for...

The pseudo-state “granted” 6,500 acres of land in Yalousa to a Turkish university

The pseudo-state "granted" 6,500 acres of land in Gialusa to a Turkish university – "I'm not saying anything at all! This is...

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