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Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Biden's policy in our region is questionable

The policy that the new US administration intends to pursue in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Gulf is a question...

V. Pourgouridis: In Cyprus we have never had a rule of law

Evangelos Pourgouridis, son of the former DISY MP, Christos Pourgouridis, recently announced his independent candidacy in the Limassol region in the upcoming parliamentary...

Storm of questions to the President for the Seychelles

The Parliamentary Audit Committee does not leave the President of the Republic Nikos Anastasiadis in the lurch on the trips of himself and...

Second thoughts from UN Secretary General on Pentamers

Nicosia does not rule out the possibility that the UN Secretary General will make second thoughts regarding the convening of even an informal...

Tatar: No legal obstacles to Varosia conversion

There is no legal obstacle to turning Varos into a civilian zone, said Turkish leader Ersin Tatar, although he said it was not...

T / C opposition: The federation did not die

The federation is not dying because someone said it was dead, said RTK President Tufan Erhiurman, commenting on the relevant Oktay-Tatar statements. According...

The memorandum for EuroAsia Interconnector is finalized

A teleconference between Cyprus, Greece and Israel will take place on February 17, as informed by KYPE, with the aim of finalizing the...

The PTA is going to Israel

The President of the Republic Mr. Nikos Anastasiadis is going to Israel on Sunday, February 14, for a one-day working visit, where he...

Two factors for a dangerous cocktail in the Cyprus issue

The daily challenges of the Turkish side with the messages for changing the basis of the Cyprus issue, and the delay on the...

Kalin: Turkey in talks only with a proposal of 2 states

Turkey will take part in talks on resolving the Cyprus issue only with a proposal to create two states on the island, Turkish...

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